Aug 2011
Inspiration for a Grand Tour
Friday, 19 August, 2011. Filed under: Lie of the Land

Photo: © 2011 Heather Kavanagh with thanks
It was lovely to hear recently that The Lie of the Land has inspired some of the thinking behind one reader’s retirement Grand Tour. Though only in the early planning stages at the moment, the very idea of Snaptophobic’s trip is particularly heartening because discovering Britain and realising how exotic it really is was one of the guiding thoughts behind the book and the club.
Do check out the rest of her blog as well.
Northwest Highlands Google Earth fly-by
Friday, 05 August, 2011. Filed under: Views & Scenery | Landscapes
For some time, we’ve been promising Google Earth fly-bys around bits of the British landscape that were featured in the book The Lie of the Land and now, we’ve finally got around to the first of these - a stunning fly-by of the Northwest Highlands from Smoo Cave in the north down to Ullapool in the south and back again. To view this file, you’ll need the free Google Earth application from Google - we’re working on being able to embed one in the browser but, to be honest, that’s a bit more technically involved so it won’t be along any time soon.

The complete tour takes about 17 minutes; if you are desk-bound for lunch, we’d recommend chomping your sandwiches as the Northwest Highlands float by underneath for a more relaxing break than might usually be the case.
We’ve kept it simple for now - no narration or music to accompany the scenery, but we might get bold in the future. We hope you enjoy the view.
Download Seventeen minutes in the Northwest Highlands.

The complete tour takes about 17 minutes; if you are desk-bound for lunch, we’d recommend chomping your sandwiches as the Northwest Highlands float by underneath for a more relaxing break than might usually be the case.
We’ve kept it simple for now - no narration or music to accompany the scenery, but we might get bold in the future. We hope you enjoy the view.
Download Seventeen minutes in the Northwest Highlands.