Members' News
Landscape Club comes back to life
Monday, 20 August, 2012.
It won’t have escaped your notice that there have been a few subtle changes to the BLC’s website; it’s all part of a gradual re-awakening of this site after a brief hiatus – a pause caused by an intense period of work on a separate, time-consuming project. That’s all over now, which leaves me time to do things that I always wanted to do with this site; more photography, more articles and the introduction of podcasts.
In the meantime, here’s a piece I did for today’s Guardian newspaper – page 2 of the G2 section – on the landscape restorations at Stonehenge.
In the meantime, here’s a piece I did for today’s Guardian newspaper – page 2 of the G2 section – on the landscape restorations at Stonehenge.
Happy New Year from the BLC
Tuesday, 04 January, 2011.
A Happy New Year to all British Landscape Club members, but we’re also celebrating our first birthday as we opened the site on the 1st January last year. We’ve quickly grown to several hundred members, but there’s always room for more and we even still have a couple of hundred of our lovely square ‘founder members’ badges that we’ll happily send anywhere in the UK. To get one click here and send us your details.

In other New Year news, Amazon and The Book Depository are currently offering The Lie of the Land for under half-price as part of their seasonal sales.

In other New Year news, Amazon and The Book Depository are currently offering The Lie of the Land for under half-price as part of their seasonal sales.
Members’ packs are on their way
Thursday, 13 May, 2010.

We’re delighted to let you know that the first raft of members’ packs, including the badges, are now on their way to BLC members up and down the country. If you haven’t yet given us your details, why don’t you do it now in time for our next mail-out early next week.
Non-members can now join without going through the palaver of subscribing to the members’ newsletter re:view. Just click on Members’ area above and send us your details direct.
BLC Badges arrive
Monday, 10 May, 2010.

We only have a few hundred of these special “Founding Member” badges and there will be no more printed so if you haven’t already done so, send us your details to get your hands on one. Fill in the Members’ Area form and we’ll put one in the post to you for nothing, along with an exquisitely designed sample chapter from the BLC forthcoming manual, The Lie of the Land.
Non-members: You have to be a member of the British Landscape Club to get a member’s badge, any other way - we think you’ll agree - is madness. Membership - like the badge - is completely free and only requires that you sign-up for our occasional newsletter re:view. All we ever do is send you a link to where you may find it and we never, ever give, sell or otherwise divulge your email address or any other personal details to anyone.
A reminder for members & non-members
Tuesday, 20 April, 2010.

Non-members: You have to be a member of the British Landscape Club to get a member’s badge, any other way - we think you’ll agree - is madness. Membership - like the badge - is completely free and only requires that you sign-up for our occasional newsletter re:view. All we ever do is send you a link to where you may find it and we never, ever give, sell or otherwise divulge your email address or any other personal details to anyone.
Monday, 04 January, 2010.

The British Landscape Club is now up and running. More news will be forthcoming soon, but for now, click here to join the British Landscape Club for free. Membership of the BLC is completely free for now and, what's more, if you join when it's free, it will remain free for you forever. We won't sell your email address - or any of the other, few personal details we collect during sign-up - ever. There will even be a free gift of some kind (please don't get too excited) for signing up, so what are you waiting for?
Sign up now.